Techno-Health Surveillance Newsletter Volume 3, Number 11 & 12

January 7, 2019

Dear reader,

We are delighted to have kept up with you all through the year 2018 on our Techno-Health Surveillance. Thank you for the opportunities you gave us to share with you our research and training activities to enhance community-based participatory One Health surveillance using digital technology. Your continuous opinions and feedback were very much useful to paving our improved performance.

We are looking forward to more opportunities to continue sharing ideas and experiences to improve event-based surveillance in the New Year 2019.

The Editorial Committee welcomes you to Volume 3, Number 11 & 12 of the Techno-Health Surveillance. In this issue, we share the following:

  • Pathway to impact policies and practices in disease prevention and management
  • The second annual meeting on leading transformative change
  • Scaling up of community-based disease surveillance
  • Connecting Organization for Regional Disease Surveillance network members’ visitation to Tanzania to learn experiences on the use of digital technology in event-based surveillance
  • Strengthening capacity for surveillance and response to Viral Haemorrhagic fevers in Tanzania

We look forward to your feedback and comments on this and other issues of Techno-HealthSurveillance. You are kindly requested to share with us stories on health-related events occurring in humans, animals and environment for the sustainability of our newsletter.

Happy New Year 2019 and enjoy your reading!

For further information, please contact

Tel No: +255 232 640 037




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SoundCloud: @sacids




Thank you

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