TechnoHealth Surveillance Newsletter Volume 2, Number 12, December 2017

January 18, 2018

From Editors’ desk

Dear reader,

We thank you for the opportunities you gave us in 2017 to share with you, through TechnoHealth Surveillance, our research and training activities to enhance community-based participatory One Health disease surveillance using digital technology. Thank you for all your opinions and feedback, which have contributed to our improved performance. We are looking forward to a New Year 2018 filled with more opportunities to enhance community One Health security in-line with the Global Health Security Agenda.

We are delighted to have expanded the scope of community engagement in participatory community-based disease surveillance, which is described in this issue. We have continued receiving data on health events occurring in the community through Community Health Reporters (CHRs). We present in this issue the most probable diseases in human and livestock populations which have been identified using One Health Knowledge Repository based on the information submitted by CHRs from January to December 2017.

The following articles are covered in this issue:-

  1. Training Manual on Disease Surveillance for Community Health Workers
  2. Policy briefs to addressing disease surveillance in Tanzania
  3. AfyaData as a recommended tool to support the implementation of disease surveillance strategy
  4. International upcoming events that SACIDS plans to showcase its research and training activities

We keep to looking forward to your feedback and comments on this and other issues of TechnoHealth Surveillance. Kindly do not hesitate to share with us stories on health related events occurring in humans, animals and environment for the sustainability of our newsletter.

We wish you informative reading!

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